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Writer's pictureOioc El Origen Shanayoy

COP 16 - Peace with Nature

Calling for Action: Revindication of Indigenous Rights at COP16 in Colombia

As COP16 takes place in Cali, Colombia, bringing together world leaders, scientists, activists, and Indigenous communities to address one of the most pressing issues of our time: the preservation of biodiversity and the restoration of our planet. The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity provides a platform for developing actionable steps to safeguard ecosystems and biodiversity across the globe.

At OIOC, we are deeply committed to conserving and restouring Biocultural heritage of our planet. This principle informs all aspects of our work and our relationship with Mother Earth, who we honor as a living being. For millennia, Indigenous people have fostered a spiritual and physical connection with the land, nurturing it as it has nurtured us. We take pride that COP16 is being held in Colombia, a country renowned for its incredible biodiversity and rich biocultural heritage, which has played a vital role in protecting some of the most important ecosystems on the planet.

However, as we gather to discuss critical strategies for conservation, we must emphasize that peace with nature requires more than dialogue—it demands action and accountability. We recognize that while resources are often allocated to organizations that engage with Indigenous leaders, these efforts frequently lack the necessary steps for conserving biodiversity. It is imperative that funds and support are directed towards Indigenous organizations that possess the knowledge and commitment to restore their sacred lands.

True peace with nature must include the restoration of rights and resources for Indigenous communities, who have been disproportionately affected by extraction and environmental degradation. These communities are the stewards of biodiversity, and their traditional knowledge is essential in guiding effective restoration efforts. Acknowledging their contributions and addressing the historical injustices they have faced is not only a moral imperative but also crucial for the success of conservation initiatives.

As COP16 unfolds, we urge participants to take practical steps to establish genuine peace with nature and the people of the land. This must include reparations for the damage inflicted upon both the land and the Indigenous peoples who have suffered alongside the destruction caused by deforestation, extraction, and exploitation. And a true relationship with the leaders where resourses are given to continue the conservation of the Biocultural Heritage.

At OIOC, we are committed to actively participating in this dialoge and continuing our mission to restore balance between natural and human ecosystems in Indigenous lands. We hope this gathering will yield tangible outcomes that honor Amazon's biocultural heritage and recognize the sacred responsibility we all share in caring for our Earth.

Thank you for being part of this important movement for change. Your continued support empowers us to work toward a more harmonious relationship with nature. Together, we can contribute to a brighter future for both people and the planet.

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